Sunday, January 23, 2011

Propaganda, the control of the mind
In this propaganda poster, Hitler tells us that the Nazi's are mmuch stronger than the kings (the queen or king) while the white piece is small and weak. They can only move forwards, but not backwards while the King or Queen (Nazi) can control the board and change the future since they can move any direction, changing the outcome. The Wording says

“Check the war-mongers of the world. Every vote for the Führer!”

In Kristalnacht, 1938, November 9th-10th. The very first attack to the Jews, this name which stands out to the Jewish people. On this day, many people had died, 275 destroyed synagogue, 75 businesses destroyed and looted, 1000 homes of Jewish people destroyed and looted, 30,000 Jewish people were sent to concentration camp and 100 killed. In the end, no one was to blame for all the millions of broken glass and destroyed homes. They destroyed synagogue's, their religion, their place to worship., soon 30,000 Jewish men and women were sent to camps. Kristalnacht was the warning, the small problem.

Kristalnacht was name because of the millions of sharded glass on the floor, destroyed by the Nazi. Goebell, the ministry of propaganda, ended the invasion toward the 10th of November. Adolf Hitler, as soon he became to power he made many poster of fat, low class, and many negative thought about the Jews, Adolf Hitler changed people perceptions on things because of these posters, first they had little reason why they should hate Jews, now they know why they should hate Jews, but Hitler brainwashed them, Hitler propaganda phrase ,
" If you tell people a lie enough times they will believe it."- Adolf Hitler

They made the first concentration camp in 1933 March in Dachau, which was made who opposed against Hitler. 30,000 Men and women were in the camp, out of 30,000, 2,500 didn' make out alive, 17,500 made it but how was it possible for any country to take them in? America had a limit amount of people come and Canada taking no Jew immigrants to their country. Their very own infamous quote saying "How many should we take in? None is too many." -- Canada
Even though it was really difficult in Germany, there was more to come even outside Germany, lucky one who went across world were lucky instead of being trapped in Germany and where they know things will go bad.

The most shocking part in history was, the turning point, in the histroy between 1933 to 1938, is mostly when Kristalnacht happened. When Kristalnacht happened, it was a warning, the warning towards the Jewish people who thought Hitler was just a small problem, then it turned out in the end many Jews died. Kristallnacht was also the first attack to the Jews and the Jews have lost their freedom or rights in Germany and now Goebell wants to attack the Jews. To me this is absulotly frightning, if I were a German soldier I wouldn't even stand, I would be horrified and completly mad. Even though it was the Hindenburg's fault of signing the treaty and making the country sign the treaty of Versailles causing all the trouble, you can't tell the difference which is worst. Being a German when the hyper-inflation happened and all the economy busted, food supply low or being a Jew, sent to concentration camps and being starved for many days and night, paying 1,000,000,000 mark for not doing the damage while the Germans destroyed the Jews property, having no right to do many things like: going to town, can't go to places full with Nazis. Mostly losing your dignity, power, and having humiliation towards the Germans.

There is no way Germans think they had more pain than the Jews, the Jews where more humiltiated then the Jews and what is more bad is that they have no more civil rights!

During the ruling of Hitler, they made many proparganda poster, even though these are just poster, these brainwashed many people. " If you tell people a lie enough times they will believe it."--Adolf Hitler. This quote may of think its just nothing but in Germany, each wall and corner you turn is a poster, the however makes them see almost soo many poster around so this made Adolf Hitlers Propaganda work, not just one street, but all of the street, its nearly impossible to not see one of the posters in Germany, this made his plan go forward. What was really outstanding and I never knew about was that in every poster there is a picture, this picture is the one which makes viewer want to see, not just Hitlers face, but Hitler knew that if he put bad pictures of Jews and Germans mich better than it will draw people eye towards it, Hitler knew that the people of Germany or everyone is most likely drawn to see picture. Also what was really interesting was that in the very first time when Germany had Hitler ruling and said to boycott the Jews stores, the Germans have no reason to hate, boycott the Jews, they had little reason to hate them. While Hitler had many reason, with his power, he changed the whole mind of Germany. Boycotting Jew products or businesses, making Jew go away if there is many Germans in the area (moving away them from other people), then soon destroying their property and German not being blamed says that the Jew owner have to pay the price for the damage = 1,000,000,000 mark ( 1 billion mark), and then Goebell told that the Nazi's were going to attack the Jews, Kristalnacht is the very first attack 1938, Novaember 9th-10th, this changed the life of a Jew, then the most devastating weapon, the concentration camps, even though it wouldn't kill you in one shot you will starve to death. These all were stages of the Genocide.

When I see this, I think of how humane was Hitler? How can he hate even though Jews help the Germans in the first World War? Hitler can use propaganda to hate the Jews for the humiliation towards other country but Hitler went to far, he started killing the Jews like the concentration camp what happened to Bruno and Shmuel. But the biggest reason is that how can a man, a man with no feelings toward the Jews, being starved to death. The Jews had the same thing also, they were starving during the World War 1. The Nazi men just threw the Jews as if they were junk, or trash and think of them as the problem of war. What I learn't so far was really shocking, interesting, and not wanting the truth. I can not beleve any more that Canada took not alot of people to their country, this is must be the most frustrating obstacle to over-come if you were a Jew.

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